MUGEN Database

Ok, I do this, it's in the sound folder, but it isn't playing! What did I do wrong?


Put a filename for a MOD, MP3 or MIDI here, or just leave it
blank if you do not want music. If an invalid filename is
given, then no music will play.
To play mymusic.mp3 from the sound/ directory, put
 title.bgm = sound/mymusic.mp3
Music will continue to play between screens if the files names
are the same, and both BGMs are specified to loop.
Music to play at title screen.

title.bgm = sound/Hip-Hop Instrumental 2013 - When It All Boils Down Ft. Marka.mp3

title.bgm.volume = 100    ;volume scaling factor in percent. 100 is default

title.bgm.loop = 1        ;Set to 0 to prevent looping

title.bgm.loopstart = 

title.bgm.loopend = 

Music to play at char select screen.

select.bgm = sound/Hip-Hop Instrumental 2013 - When It All Boils Down Ft. Marka.mp3

select.bgm.volume = 100

select.bgm.loop = 1

select.bgm.loopstart =

select.bgm.loopend = 

Music to play at versus screen.

vs.bgm = 

vs.bgm.volume = 

vs.bgm.loop = 0

vs.bgm.loopstart =

vs.bgm.loopend = 

Music to play at victory screen.

victory.bgm = 

victory.bgm.volume =

victory.bgm.loop = 0

victory.bgm.loopstart =

victory.bgm.loopend = 
