MUGEN Database

Hi, i am Ivan Luiz, I was a really bad creator that used to share my characters on this wiki. :v

But the people here... they are very bad, worse then the league of legends community :s

(no ofense to LoL fans)...

Anyway, This time, i will quit mugen forever! :v

And i am very happy about it! Because i was feeling very bad about all that hate...

And now, i am going to concentrate on my drawnings and my facebook page about FNAF (11k likes) ;)

Sorry for my bad english... (again), and good luck on hating new creators that dont know how to code... you guys should help them instead of hating them... :v

I will not leave the link to my facebook page because i think this is against the rules... idk, but anyway, bye guys! v:

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(My OC:Quelho) One of my drawings, in case you think I draw bad :v
