MUGEN Database

Created in similar fashion to the same creator's version of her main influence (among others), this version of Sakura is based on her appearance in Capcom vs. SNK 2, including numerous ideas from the various Grooves in that game. She also has a versatile moveset taken from a good majority of her appearances prior to Street Fighter IV, a somewhat-complete Sunburnt Sakura mode, and a scaling A.I. that can be more than willing to put up a good fight, depending on the difficulty set.

Sakura (Sakura Kasugano)
Character portrait









Sakura is a six-button character, using X, Y, or Z and A, B, or C for a majority of her attacks, alongside using a seventh button, Start, for various taunts. The strength of an attack she uses is denoted by the button used for it; for example, attacks using X and A would be faster and weaker attacks, and attacks using Z and C would be slower and stronger attacks. Sakura uses a similar combo system to that is used by the Street Fighter series, being able to combo Normals into Specials or Hypers, Specials into Hypers, and Hypers into other Hypers, if her timing is precise enough. Sakura also has two throws, used by either pressing X+Y, X+Z, or Y+Z or A+B, A+C, or B+C while holding Right or Left, which can be escaped by the opponent if they press B, C, Y, or Z in conjunction with holding Right or Left during their startup, and will differ based on the character's height; her primary X+Y, X+Z, or Y+Z throw, Sakura Jime, has a sort of "power struggle"[1] where the length and strength of the throw can depend on how fast either the opponent or the player can mash buttons, and her throw for shorter characters is only a generic "combo" throw that looks like a attack inflicting a Move knocks down opponent on hit.

Sakura takes multiple cues from Capcom vs. SNK 2's grooves, but she borrows most of her mechanics from the C-Groove. She uses the standard 3-tier powerbar (3000 Power) and a modified version of said groove's Super Combo Cancel subsystem, allowing her to cancel her Hypers into her other Hypers if she has enough power. The only exceptions to this, however, are Shunpuu Chou Rasen and the later phase of Haru Issen not being able to cancel into anything, with their airborne properties and the latter's specific post-attack idle property, alongside her Shinkuu Hadouken and Shinkuu Tengyou Hadouken not being able to cancel into anything unless the projectiles from those supers make contact. Sakura also has the S-Groove's Power Charge, which allows her to build up power when Y+B is held, alongside the A-Groove's Custom Combo mode (named Excel Combo), which allows her to freely cancel and juggle any Normal or Special for 3 seconds with the inability to block, Parry, use her Power Charge, or use EX Specials and Hypers unless the mode ends automatically, or it ends by her getting hit. In addition to these, Sakura also has a Low Jump, which by tapping Up allows Sakura to jump at a lower height than her regular jump, alongside a Super Jump (named High Jump), which by pressing Down followed by Up-Left, Up, or Up-Right allows Sakura to jump at a higher height than her regular jump, with the new addition of a Alpha Counter (named Zero Counter), which is used during blockstun by a Right, Down, Down-Right motion and specific punch/kick to counterattack at the cost of 2000 Power.

Sakura is a somewhat fast character in both attacks and movement; a good amount of her attacks leave her at a positive frame advantage and create enough distance between herself and the opponent to have them inable to counterattack, leaving her difficult to punish. She mainly focuses on light rushdown through her Shou'ou Ken and Shunpuu Kyaku/Shunpuu Renkyaku approach options, but she also has other moves good for certain situations. Her Hadouken and Tengyou Hadouken can be used as zoning options, her Sakura Otoshi and the EX version of her Shou'ou Ken can be as ways to deal with projectiles, and her Ouka Kyaku can be used an aerial reversal, although situational.

Sakura has a custom A.I. that scales with the engine's difficulty setting, which affects how often it utilizes certain moves and how reliably it blocks. It has an emphasis on starting out fights with her Sakura Otoshi, alongside catching up to the opponent by either jumping/running to them and trying to punish them by pulling off simple combos or using her Hypers. It also occasionally uses Dodge and Roll to evade attacks, and will sometimes use the Power Charge until the opponent gets close.







Hovering the mouse cursor over the Command Input icons will display text that refers to the inputs set in M.U.G.E.N's Key Config.

Icons encased in square brackets [ Down ] require the respective button(s) to be held down. Hovering the mouse cursor over the icon displays the hold duration if applicable.


Command Input Properties
Down, Down-Right, Right X, Y, or Z or
Down, Down-Right, Right X+Y, X+Z, or Y+Z
Move's duration can be extended by rapidly tapping buttonsMove is attributed as a projectileMove knocks down opponent on hit*
Projectile velocity and size vary with button pressed and mashing length
Down, Down-Right, Right X+Y, X+Z, or Y+Z version: Uses 500 Power
PotSSakuraS1A PotSSakuraS1B PotSSakuraS1C
No extension Extension 1 Extension 2
PotSSakuraS1D PotSSakuraS1E PotSSakuraS1F
No extension Extension 1 Extension 2
PotSSakuraS1G PotSSakuraS1H PotSSakuraS1I
No extension Extension 1 Extension 2
X+Y, X+Z, or Y+Z
Tengyou Hadouken
Command Input Properties
Down, Down-Left, Left X, Y, or Z or
Down, Down-Left, Left X+Y, X+Z, or Y+Z
Move's duration can be extended by rapidly tapping buttonsMove is attributed as a projectileMove knocks down opponent on hit*
Projectile velocity and size vary with button pressed and mashing length
Down, Down-Left, Left X+Y, X+Z, or Y+Z version: Uses 500 Power
PotSSakuraS2A PotSSakuraS2B PotSSakuraS2C
No extension Extension 1 Extension 2
PotSSakuraS2D PotSSakuraS2E PotSSakuraS2F
No extension Extension 1 Extension 2
PotSSakuraS2G PotSSakuraS2H PotSSakuraS2I
No extension Extension 1 Extension 2
X+Y, X+Z, or Y+Z
Shou'ou Ken
Command Input Properties
Right, Down, Down-Right X, Y, or Z or
Right, Down, Down-Right X+Y, X+Z, or Y+Z
Move must be blocked while either standing or crouchingMove knocks down opponent on hit
Distance and hit count vary with button pressed
Right, Down, Down-Right X+Y, X+Z, or Y+Z version: Uses 500 Power, Move can nullify or absorb enemy projectiles
X+Y, X+Z, or Y+Z
PotSSakuraS3F PotSSakuraS3D PotSSakuraS3E
Move connects Move whiffs Move is guarded
Shunpuu Kyaku
Command Input Properties
Down, Down-Left, Left A, B, or C or
Down, Down-Left, Left A+B, A+C, or B+C
Move knocks down opponent on hit*
Distance varies with button pressed
Down, Down-Left, Left A+B, A+C, or B+C version: Uses 500 Power
A+B, A+C, or B+C
Kuuchuu Shunpuu Kyaku
Command Input Properties
Down, Down-Left, Left A, B, or C or
Down, Down-Left, Left A+B, A+C, or B+C
Move can only be used while airborneMove must be blocked while standingMove knocks down opponent on hit
Down, Down-Left, Left A+B, A+C, or B+C version: Uses 500 Power
A, B, or C
A+B, A+C, or B+C
Shunpuu Renkyaku
Command Input Properties
Down, Down-Left, Left A, B, or C or
Down, Down-Left, Left A+B, A+C, or B+C
during Shunpuu Kyaku
or Kuuchuu Shunpuu Kyaku
Down, Down-Left, Left A+B, A+C, or B+C version: Uses 500 Power, Move causes opponent to bounce off the wall
Low chance of tripping if performed during Kuuchuu Shunpuu Kyaku
A, B, or C
A+B, A+C, or B+C
Sakura Otoshi
Command Input Properties
Right, Down, Down-Right A, B, or C X, Y, or Z used for up to 3 attacks
A, B, or C used to nullify
Move can nullify or absorb enemy projectilesMove knocks down opponent on hit*
X, Y, or Z during initiation
PotSSakuraS8D PotSSakuraS8E PotSSakuraS8F
One time Two times Three times
A, B, or C during initiation
Ouka Kyaku
Command Input Properties
Down, Down-Right, Right A, B, or C or
Down, Down-Right, Right A+B, A+C, or B+C
Move can only be used while airborneMove can hit opponents that are lying on the groundMove knocks down opponent on hit*
Down, Down-Right, Right A+B, A+C, or B+C version: Uses 500 Power
A+B, A+C, or B+C
Command Input Properties
Down, Down-Right, Right Start Move can only be used while airborneMove is attributed as a projectile
EX Chouhatsu[sic]
Command Input Properties
Down Down Start Move must be blocked while either standing or crouching
Uses 500 Power
Zero Counter
Command Input Properties
Right, Down, Down-Right X, Y, or Z during blockstun Move has invincibility during startup framesMove knocks down opponent on hit
Uses 2000 Power


Shinkuu Hadouken
Command Input Properties
Down, Down-Right, Right Down, Down-Right, Right X, Y, or Z Move is attributed as a projectileMove must be blocked while either standing or crouchingMove knocks down opponent on hit*
Uses 1000 Power
Shinkuu Tengyou Hadouken
Command Input Properties
Down, Down-Left, Left Down, Down-Left, Left X, Y, or Z Move is attributed as a projectileMove must be blocked while either standing or crouchingMove knocks down opponent on hit
Uses 1000 Power
Midare Zakura
Command Input Properties
Down, Down-Right, Right Down, Down-Right, Right A, B, or C Move must be blocked while either standing or crouchingMove knocks down opponent on hit
Uses 1000 Power
Haru Ichiban
Command Input Properties
Down, Down-Left, Left Down, Down-Left, Left A, B, or C Move must be blocked while crouchingMove can hit opponents that are lying on the groundMove knocks down opponent on hit
Uses 1000 Power
Haru Issen
Command Input Properties
Down, Down-Right, Right Right, Down-Right, Down, Down-Left, Left X, Y, or Z Move must be blocked while either standing or crouching
Uses 2000 Power
PotSSakuraH5A PotSSakuraH5B PotSSakuraH5C
Move connects Move whiffs Move is guarded
Shunpuu Chou Rasen
Command Input Properties
Right, Down-Right, Down, Down-Left, Left A+B, A+C, or B+C Move must be blocked while either standing or crouchingMove knocks down opponent on hit
Uses 2000 Power
PotSSakuraH6A PotSSakuraH6B
Move connects Move whiffs or is guarded
Shun Goku Satsu
Command Input Properties
X X Right A Z Move is attributed as a throw, works against grounded opponentsMove cannot be blockedMove has invincibility during startup frames
Uses 3000 Power
Move connects Move whiffs
Nekketsu Hadouken
Command Input Properties
Down, Down-Right, Right Down, Down-Right, Right X+Y, X+Z, or Y+Z Move must be blocked while either standing or crouchingMove is attributed as a projectileMove knocks down opponent on hit
Uses 3000 Power


Command Input Properties
A+X Move grants full invincibility*
Command Input Properties
Right+A+X or
Move grants full invincibility*
Parry High
Command Input Properties
Right just before opponent's attack makes contact Negates all damage
Not usable if Excel Combo is active
Parry Low
Command Input Properties
Down just before opponent's attack makes contact Negates all damage
Not usable if Excel Combo is active
Air Parry
Command Input Properties
Right just before opponent's attack makes contact Move can only be used while airborne
Negates all damage
Not usable if Excel Combo is active
Power Charge
Command Input Properties
[ B+Y ] Gradually increases Power while held
Not usable if Excel Combo is active
Power must be less than 3000
Excel Combo
Command Input Properties
C+Z Move can be used while grounded or airborne
Disables juggle checks, cancel restrictions and blocking
Disables EX Specials and Hypers for 2 seconds
Effect lasts 3 seconds
Effect ends if hit, or if an EX Special or Hyper is used
Uses 1000 Power
PotSSakuraO7A PotSSakuraO7B
Ground Aerial
Sakura Senkuu
Command Input Properties
Right, Down, Down-Right A+B, A+C, or B+C / X+Y, X+Z, or Y+Z or
Left, Down, Down-Left A+B, A+C, or B+C / X+Y, X+Z, or Y+Z
Move grants full invincibility
Hiyakeshita Sakura mode only
Right, Down, Down-Right X+Y, X+Z, or Y+Z
Right, Down, Down-Right A+B, A+C, or B+C
Left, Down, Down-Left X+Y, X+Z, or Y+Z
Left, Down, Down-Left A+B, A+C, or B+C
Sakura Dance
Command Input Properties
Down, Down-Right, RightStart Normal Sakura mode only
Right and Left used at specific times to continue move
Mode Change
Command Input Properties
DownDownDownA Mode Change Sakura mode only
Changes between Normal Sakura and Hiyakeshita Sakura movesets

Palette Gallery[]

Blue2 (Normal Sakura) Black (Normal Sakura) Orange (Normal Sakura)
Blue (Normal Sakura) Green (Normal Sakura) Red (Normal Sakura)
Red2 (Hiyakeshita Sakura) Grey (Hiyakeshita Sakura) Blue3 (Mode Change Sakura)
Dark1 (Hiyakeshita Sakura) Dark2 (Hiyakeshita Sakura) MvSFDark2 (Hiyakeshita Sakura)

Normal Sakura[]


Normal Sakura is the "default" mode, including a moveset comprised of moves from Sakura's appearances at the time. Her moves are not as strong in this mode as they are in her other modes, but she has access to the EX versions of her moves and most of her taunts.

Hiyakeshita Sakura[]


Hiyakeshita Sakura mode, described in the readme as "quite incomplete", turns Sakura into her sunburnt self. In this mode, she cannot use EX moves, Shunpuu Renkyaku, or Sakura Dance, but now has access to the Sakura Senkuu alongside different versions of her Specials.

Mode Change Sakura[]


Mode Change Sakura gives Sakura the ability to switch between Hiyakeshita and Normal modes at will; aside from this, however, nothing else is changed in this mode.

Victory quotes[]


Did I impress you! I really hope I did!
I like street fighting better than sparring in rival schools!
I'll be late for class, but it's okay! A good street fight is worth it!
Oh, no! I was suppose to go to the mall with Kei!"
Okay, I'll skip class to fight you again! But only this time!"
That must have been a real street fight! I could feel it!
Thanks for not keeping me long, I can still get to class in time!
Cool! We finished in time for me to meet up with Kei after all!
You didn't expect me to be this good, did you?
If I keep this up I might have a chance with him!
I've done my homework, but it looks like you haven't!


Looks like I'm catching up to you, huh?
vs. Ryu
Well, you did tell me to hit you as hard as I could...
vs. Dan Hibiki
If you keep following me around like this I'll get stronger in no time!
vs. Karin Kanzuki



  • Sakura has special intros against certain characters:
    • Sakura has an intro against PotS' Normal and Master Ryu, alongside a different intro against Warusaki3's Ryu.
      • Sakura does not have any intros against other versions aside from those two, prompting her to start with her regular intros.
    • Sakura has a shared intro against non-specific versions of Dan Hibiki, Athena Asamiya, and Karin Kanzuki. The intro is also shared for specific "evil versions" of Dan and Drowin's Dark Karin, alongside Warusaki3's CvS2 Dan and Athena.
    • Sakura has an intro against Pneophen's Kasugano.
    • Sakura has an intro against David Demianoff and Warusaki3's versions of Yuri Sakazaki, which is also used against PotS' own version.
    • Sakura has an intro against defined "cute characters"; these are, in specific, a few Kirby characters, alongside specific Pocket Fighter characters (including PotS' Pocket Shin Gouki), and some miscellaneous characters.
  • Sakura has special winposes for when she wins using the Shun Goku Satsu or when she wins with perfect health.


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  1. Readme.txt - Character folder