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Lee Rekka
Lee Rekka
Artwork from The Last Blade 2




Cyanide's version
Rabz's version


The Last Blade

Lee Rekka is a character that appears in the series The Last Blade. He is a monk from China and uses a martial art that allows him the mastery over pyrokinesis. One day he sees a red star (known as the Hell's Gate) and leaves China and comes to Japan in order to stop the evil. 

In M.U.G.E.N, Lee Rekka has been made by Cyanide and Rabz. 

Cyanide's version[]

Lee Rekka idle stance

Lee is a 4 buttoned character. His moveset consists of fire based and various melee attacks revolving around a fan. As for his A.I, he is an opponent of medium difficulty but can be defeated if the player is wary enough.   







Hovering the mouse cursor over the Command Input icons will display text that refers to the inputs set in M.U.G.E.N's Key Config.

Icons encased in square brackets [ Down ] require the respective button(s) to be held down. Hovering the mouse cursor over the icon displays the hold duration if applicable.

Specials and Hypers[]

Special Attack: AY

Ryu Tsui Sen: QCB+Y

Ryu Shou Sen: QCB+Y (Air)

En Sen Shou: Charge D, up+A

Follow up: Down+A

Follow up to En Sen Shou. 

Kasumi: X+A

Enryu Haibi: HCB+X

Enryu Haibi: HCB+A*

Enryu Haibi Follow-up: HCF+A

Ibuki: Hold Start

Ougi Enryu Tenshin: QCB, HCF+X/A

Hiougi Soten Muei Kyaku: QCB, HCF+XA

Rabz's version[]

This character is similar to Cyanide's version. However, there are a few differences in terms of A.I. and combos. He is less aggressive and is easier to defeat. He often crouches when he attacks.  


Hovering the mouse cursor over the Command Input icons will display text that refers to the inputs set in M.U.G.E.N's Key Config.

Icons encased in square brackets [ Down ] require the respective button(s) to be held down. Hovering the mouse cursor over the icon displays the hold duration if applicable.


  • y+a 


  • Enryu Haibi: ~F, DF, D, DB, B, x or y
  •  Enryu Haibi Sequence: ~B, DB, D, DF, F, y
  • Ryu Tsuisen (x3): ~D, DB, B, a
  • Ryu Shousen (x2): ~D, DB, B, a ( in air)
  • Muei Kyaku: ~D, DF, F, a ( in air)


  • Hiougi Soten Muei Kyaku: (Power = 3000 && Life < 201) Power & EX
  • ~D, DB, B, DB, F, y ou ~D, DB, B, F, y oR ~D, DB, B, B, DB, D, DF, F, y
  • Ougi Enryu Tenshin: (Power = 3000 || Life < 201)
  • ~D, DB, B, DB, F, x+y ou ~D, DB, B, F, x+y ou ~D, DB, B, B, DB, D, DF, F, x+y
  • Combo Special: (Power = 3000) 
  • ~D, D, x ou ~D, D, y
  • - x, y, a, x, y, a, x, y, qcf + a
  • - x, y, a, x, y, a, a, y, x, qcf + a
  • - x, y, a, d+a, x, f+y+a, x, y, qcf + y
  • - x, y, a, d+a, x, d+a, f+y+a